Saturday, January 18, 2014

Unlimited Power Cheat Sheet 
(based on Tony Robbins Seminar)

*quality of my life=quality of my communication
*in order to have any experience in life and know whether its good or bad you have to communicate with yourself.  How you communicate to yourself determines the quality of your life.

Power comes when you develop congruency=no contradicting goals, all goals are aligned.
7% of communication is words, 38% is tonality, (Mother yelling "ANTHONY)
congruency in communication is powerful.  55% is physiology.  When they work together you get congruency and send one clear message to your nervous system.

Jim Rohn is the inspiration for Tony Robbins.  Ideas that you are willing to take in and use, will change your life.  It is not what happens in your life that determines the quality, its what you do with them.  If you want to change your life, you have to work on you.  500-600 books read by Tony.

Hitting Rock bottom is fortunate, because it is a clear communication to switch paths.
It lets you realize "I was more than what I was living." (I will say this every day)
knowledge =the foundational key to success.
personal power=the ability to act on that knowledge THE MAJOR FOUNDATIONAL KEY.  (Kernal Sanders, started at 65y/o, created KFC.  used his popular chicken recipe and "PERSONAL POWER" he hit the streets.  He got 1009 "no"s before his first "yes") 
(how long will you let a baby try walking until you shut them off and never let them try again?)

affirmation-discipline=beginning of delusion
affirmation +discipline=beginning of miracles

3 steps to personal power
1.  Energy
2.  Skill
     -The skill or ability to specifically define exactly what you want.
     -The skill or ability to specifically define exactly what others want and fill their needs quickly and elegantly.  Achieved through NLP.  Neuro Linguistic programming.  The science of how language effects your nervous system.  The more effective you are at this, the more effective you will be at achieving anything in your life.

Anything that any human can do so can I.
modeling is the key to duplicating any key to human excellence.

3 keys to duplicate outcomes
i) model or duplicate the belief systems of those people.  Beliefs are the filter to turn on or shut of the part of your brain to achieve results.  Whether you say you can or can't your right.  
ii) must duplicate that person's mental syntax.  The order in which we use our five senses determines our results.  You can use different order to get different results.  Watch people's eyes. that tells you how they are thinking.  
iii) duplicate a person's physiology, posture, facial patterns, muscle tension etc.  This determines the outcomes.   Copy excellent people.

3.  Turning fear into power.  The ability to break through those fears and produce new results.

7 disciplines of success.  
1.  I always act from personal power. Fear is the primary source of prevention.  The fear of failure is the most prevalent fear.  I realize that there are no failures, there only outcomes.  I always succeed in producing results.  I can always learn from outcomes.
2.  I am totally responsible for my world. I totally create my world.  I take charge of my world.  responsible=take charge.  No matter what happens to you in your life you created it with your physical actions and thoughts.  You create your world.  Its good to keep yourself open to other belief systems.  If you have a problem, and you didn't create it then you have no power to change it.  but if you believe you had a stake in it you can change that.
3.  I am always stretching.  If you can't, you must.  VERY IMPORTANT.  Willingness to stretch yourself on a regular basis.  When you have to perform you know you are more than you need to.
 Keys to stretching yourself: 1.  you must make a commitment to yourself to do something that seems to be beyond your ability.  Make it to yourself and 2.  publicly especially the person that will call you on it.  3.  model someone who is already producing the result.  4.  Do it.  Follow the model.  and when you don't know what to do act as if you do.  If I did know, what would I do?
4.  I am committed to unconscious competence, rather than cognitive understanding.  flip the switch without knowing how all electricity works.  Pick the fruit and study the roots later.
5.  I always act from personal integrity.  Integrity=wholeness or true to themselves.  I always act on my beliefs with integrity.  Make sure your daily actions match your beliefs.
6.  The meaning of communication (my physiology, tonality and words) to the receiving person is the response that you get.  If someone doesn't get your communication that is your responsibility not theres.  If you don't like the responses you are getting you have to change the Physiology, tonality, words etc.  facial expressions etc. can be triggers.  Realize that certain words and physiology are triggers.   Try something else until you get communication that works.  Intentions means nothing but give directions, results mean everything.  be committed to your outcome.
7.  I am committed to do whatever it takes to succeed without harming another person.  Commitment is the glue that holds the rest together.  The commitment to practice is big.  Apply it to your life.  (S-I made the mistake of settling with my living outcomes.  and my financial outcomes.)

7 character traits of excellence: 
1.  Have a passion, a reason, consuming energizing obsessive purpose.  It gives life meaning and juice.  passion will cause you to take action.
2.  Supportive belief systems.
3.  Strategies for success, organize the way you do things to produce results.  For a lot of people its unconscious.
4.  values.  Be clear about what is most important in their lives: congruency=no internal battles.   Look at ways to have them work together not fighting each other.
5.  Energy level.  Improve diet,
6.  Bonding power.  In order to be happy, you must feel connected with others.
7.  developing your communication skills.

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