Friday, January 25, 2013

the prettiest toe forward

    I have decidedly learned the benefits of strategizing a business by seeking to "put the prettiest toe you can put forward that can make pretty."  As a product designer there is an inclination to work on a product until it is comprehensive and perfect.   The trap that it is possible to fall into under this strategy is that as you develop the product further, you see more ways to enlarge and improve it.  Falling into this trap may mean an otherwise quality business man is spending time until he is absolutely out of money and autonomy.  What is the better strategy is to focus on identifying the key product benefits of your creation, and introduce the product with 3 novel features not present in similar inventions as long as the product functions as intended.
    The process looks like crossing out features that are relatively less important than your most important features in diagrams of your product.  Then focusing your efforts on what is left until the product is released.  After your product is released, you can go back and improve your product to the standards you envisioned.  Comprehensiveness needs not be a part of every single product you release, however, quality and complete function does need to be a part of every product released.
    That being said, I am going to write out my current strategy: instead of finishing my product as I was previously planning.  I am going to calculate the length of time it will take to finish the product, when I am within a period of time before finishing equal to the time I will have my persuasion on kickstarter, I will start making the video I will post on kickstarter. Once the video is posted, I will work on the project for the time allotted, until the kickstarter charge finishes.   I will then have the product ready for programmers to implement and the funding to pay them.  I will then find and screen the programmers, find the best fit, pay them and launch the product!  yay.  :)

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