Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I am going to read this booklist.  I have ordered it by Amazon's popularity ratings so as to ease myself into the subject of economics from the exciting to the nitty gritty.  The Acronyms in the left most column's represent the author's name, in the center column are book titles, in the far right column are the Amazon best seller ratings.  I moved HH. up just below "The General Theory" because it is a critique of "The General Theory."

AR. Atlas Shrugged                                                           634

JR. Currency Wars                                                            1875
MF. Capitalism and freedom                                                 2481
PS. the real crash                                                            3488
MF. Free to choose:                                                             3831
AR. The Fountainhead                                                        7015
AS.  The wealth of nations                                                7681
MF. Why Government is the problem                         8179
MK. The General Theory                                                8851
HH. The failure of the new economics                        506,916
AR. Anthem                                                                  8920
AR. Capitalism the unknown ideal                                 15,628
AR. The virtue of Selfishness                                        15,688
PS. Crash Proof 2.0                                                            25,170
AS. The theory of moral sentiments                                    33,381
MF. A monetary History of the US                                     65,198
MK. Tract on Monetary Reform                                     124,187
MF. Price Theory                                                            125,062
PS. Crash Proof                                                             126,552
MF. Money Mischief                                                             128,460
MK. The economic consequences of the Peace            288,631
PS. Bullish moves in bear markets                                    373,108
MF. On economics                                                             662,608
MF.  Two lucky people                                                 673,413
MF. The great contraction                                                694,493

I'll keep you updated.  

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